Thursday, June 26, 2014

Roslyn (Next Version of C# Compiler ) part 01

This article is about what is available in C# 6.0 with next version of compiler. You can have the binaries from and use it. Here im going to demonstrate some key futures that useful in day to day programming .

1. Indexed Members and Element Initializers

There is several versions of it. Here is example for assign collection when it initialize in the code,
Ex : List<Ttype,Tvalue>

 Dictionary<string, string> sampleDemo = 
new Dictionary<string, string>()
{"Mango", "Yellow"},
{"Banana", "Green"},
{"Pineapple", "Orange"},
{"Apple", "Red"}

//You can access each element like here
var c = sampleDemo ["Mango"];

indexed Members with $ mark

 Dictionary<string, string> sampleDemo = 
new Dictionary<string, string>()

//You can access each element like here
var c = sampleDemo.$Mango;

indexing with Json data

string JsonData =@"{"widget": {
debug": "on",
window": {
title": "Sample Konfabulator Widget",
name": "main_window",
width": 500,
height": 500
image": {
src": "Images/Sun.png",
name": "sun1",
hOffset": 250,
vOffset": 250,
alignment": "center"
text": {
data": "Click Here",
size": 36,
style": "bold",
name": "text1",
hOffset": 250,
vOffset": 100,
alignment": "center",
onMouseUp": "sun1.opacity = (sun1.opacity / 100) * 90;"

//You can access each element like here
JObject jObject = JObject.Parse(JsonData );
var output = jObject.$window.$Keyword);

Thanks and enjoy... Meet with next post with another feature