Monday, January 7, 2013

Requirements for Database Security

Ever since, men had learned and concentrated on ways on how they could protect their files and documents even before computers ever existed. Today, now that most documents are files are saved in computers, while some other important data are usually located in the company's database, men wanted to make sure that they'll practice security and ensure that all of their business' files and data are kept secured - this is the reason why database security and network security services are usually being sought, along with some security tools that could further help them keep their files and documents safe and secured at all times. As a database administrator we have to think about several requirements of database for security implementations.

Physical Database Integrity :- The data in database are directly relate with the physical (external) factors of the Database Server such as Power failures, Some one can drop the database from database server or any hardware damages in database server.

Logical Database Integrity :- The structure of database, If some of elements are changed in one field and it should not be affected to the other fields in database.

Element Integrity :- Each element which data is contained must be accurate.

Auditability :- Must possible to track who accessed or modified data in the Database.

Access Control :- Authorized users only have to access the certain set of data.( restrict read and write ability of data to different users as application behave)

User Authentication :- Every user must correctly identified for audit and access control.

Availability :- If user have permission to access certain data it must be available of user.