Monday, February 17, 2014

Peek Definition in VS 2013

 What is Peek Definition

   Peek Definition  enable you to view and edit code without switching away from the code that you're writing. Its just only enables with Visual Studio 2013.
Go To Definition is the functionality that did the same thing in earlier versions in Visual Studio but the different between Go To Definition and Peek Definition is Peek Definition shows the code in popup.

How to enable Peek Definition ?

Option 01 :  Go to code segment that you need to see the definition. keep courser on it and R- Click    ->   From the menu select Peek Definition  

Option 02 : Go to code segment that you need to see the definition. keep courser on it then Press (ALT + F12) 

Peek Definition is in light blue window

You can load Peek Definition inside the popup in same manner as well ..

Enjoy coding :)